Diversified service, expert advice.
We understand that a great deal of time and effort goes into preparing a bid for a competitive tender. With more than 40 years of experience we are able to offer our Procurement Strategy Development, Dispute Resolution and Independent Expert Opinion and Advice.
Every project has its own story.
All tenders for a contract to provide goods or services to a public authority in Botswana are governed by the Public Procurement and Assert Disposal Act [CAP 42:08].
The process must be run in accordance with PPADB Regulations and must therefore comply with the fundamental principles of transparency, equal treatment, proportionality and mutual recognition.
How can we help you?

The team at Mediation Mechanics is uniquely placed to partner you in your public procurement life cycle. We know how the public sector works. We understand the Public Procurement Regulatory environment inside out and how the Courts will apply the fundamental principles, in the event that the parties are unable to resolve their conflict through mediation or arbitration.
We specialise in advising clients who are participating in a public procurement process - guiding them through the process, helping them ask the right questions and avoiding asking the wrong ones.
When to seek Claims Advice.
If you are unsuccessful in your procurement bid, a strict time limit exists. Observance of this rule is imperative, should you wish to successfully challenge the decision.
We assist clients who have been unsuccessful, advising on whether they have grounds to challenge the decision. We can undertake a cost / benefit assessment of the feasibility of mounting a successful challenge.
What we offer.
We represent clients during each successive stage of the dispute resolution process involving mediation / arbitration and where ADR methods are not suitable or appropriate, we offer litigation support services.
Whether your aim is to obtain an award of damages or an order overturning the decision. We are here to help our clients navigate and resolve complex procurement disputes by providing practical and informed advice on all aspects of their case.
Procurement Advisory Services

Procurement Strategy Development and Advice - including tender and contract negotiations.
Training on compilation of Standard Forms of Procurement contracts (including JBCC; FIDIC; NEC; GCC etc.)
Dispute Resolution Services - including mediation, party representation before ADR Tribunals such as PPADB, Independent Complaints Review Committee, (ICRC) Ministerial Tender Committee,
Party representation before FIDIC Dispute Adjudication Boards (DAB’s and Dispute Avoidance and Adjudication Boards (DAAB) etc.
Independent Expert Opinions - available to act as Independent Experts on issues involving public procurement.